[Barb Diederich's Bluegrass Lyrics Index]

Indexing all the major bluegrass lyrics sites on the Web into one master list!


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The number one resource for bluegrass lyrics on the Internet, with over 16,000 lyrics links, including hundreds of songs available nowhere else. That's more versions of each song to choose from than any other site. Your first stop for finding a bluegrass lyric!

Note! When alphabetizing songs, leading "A", "An", or "The" is removed. For example, "The Old Home Town" would be listed under O for "Old Home Town, The".

Note! Except for the songs in my own database, these lyrics are merely indexed here. Any questions or comments about a particular lyric should be addressed to the source site.

Song Lyric[Source Site]
Rabbit In The Log[BluegrassNet]
Rabbit in the log[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rabbit in the Log[The ToneWay Song Collection]
The Race Horse Song[Lyrics.com]
The Race Is On[BluegrassLyrics.com]
The Racehorse Song[Lyrics.com]
Racing In The Street[BluegrassNet]
Racing in the Street[Lyrics.com]
Racing in the Streets[Lyrics.com]
The Radio Blues[AZLyrics]
The Radio Blues[SongLyrics]
Radio Boogie[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Radio Boogie[BluegrassNet]
Radio boogie[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Radio John[Lyrics.com]
Railroad Bill[BluegrassNet]
Railroad Bill[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Railroad Lady[Lyrics.com]
Railroad lady[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Railroad Line[David Willis's Bluegrass Songbook]
Railroading On The Great Divide[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Railroading On the Great Divide[Bluegrass West!]
Railroading on the Great Divide[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Railroading On The Great Divide[OldieLyrics.com]
Railroading on the Great Divide[Traditional Bluegrass Music - Carter Family Songs]
Rain[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rain And Snow[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rain and Snow[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rain And Snow[CowboyLyrics]
Rain & Snow[Lyrics.com]
Rain and Snow[Lyrics.com]
Rain and Snow[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Rain Please Go Away[AZLyrics]
Rain Please Go Away[Classic Country Lyrics]
[New!] Rain please go away[ST Lyrics]
Rain Rain Rain[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rain Still Falls[Lyrics.az]
Rainbow at Midnight[Lyrics.com]
Rainbow in the valley[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
[New!] Rainbow of My Dreams[CowboyLyrics]
Rainbows All Over Your Blues[BluegrassNet]
Raining Sunny Days[BluegrassNet]
Raining teardrops[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rainy Day People[BluegrassNet]
Rainy Day Women Numbers 12 And 35[OldieLyrics.com]
Rainy day women numbers 12 and 35[ST Lyrics]
Raise A Ruckus[AZLyrics]
Raise a Ruckus[Lyrics.com]
Raise the Dead[Lyrics.com]
Raised by the railroad line[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Raised By the Railroad Line[SongLyrics]
Raleigh and Spencer[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Rambler's Anthem[Lyrics.az]
Rambler's Blues[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rambler's Blues[Classic Country Lyrics]
Ramblin Away[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Ramblin Boy[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Ramblin Man[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Ramblin' Boy[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rambling Boy[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Ramblin' Boy[BluegrassNet]
Rambling Boy[Bluegrass West!]
Rambling Boy[OldieLyrics.com]
Rambling Boy[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Rambling Boy[Traditional Bluegrass Music - Carter Family Songs]
Ramblin' Fever[Blackstock Bluegrass]
Rambling Hobo[Lyrics.com]
Ramblin' In The Rambler[Lyrics.az]
Ramblin' In The Rambler[ST Lyrics]
Ramblin' In The Rambler[ST Lyrics]
Rambling Letters[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rambling letters[ST Lyrics]
Ramblin' Man[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rambling Vine[BluegrassNet]
Ramshackle Shack[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Random Canyon[BluegrassNet]
Rank Stranger[AZLyrics]
Rank Stranger[BluegrassNet]
Rank Stranger[Harajuku Jam Bluegrass Song Book]
Rank Stranger[Lyrics.com]
Rank stranger[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rank Stranger to Me[Lyrics.com]
Rank Strangers[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rank Strangers[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rank Strangers[Lyrics.com]
Rank Strangers[OldieLyrics.com]
Rank strangers[ST Lyrics]
Rank Strangers to Me[Lyrics.com]
Rapid City, South Dakota[BluegrassNet]
Raspberries, Strawberries[BluegrassNet]
Ravishing Ruby[Classic Country Lyrics]
Raw Hide[Lyrics.com]
Raw Hide[SongLyrics]
Reach[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Readjustment Blues[BluegrassNet]
Ready for Anything[Lyrics.com]
Ready On The Firing Line[Tim O'Brien]
Ready Or Not[BluegrassNet]
Ready To Go[Joan Babcock's Lyrics to Some Great Old Songs]
Reason To Believe[BluegrassNet]
The Reason Why[Lyrics.com]
Reasons to Run[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Reasons To Stay[CowboyLyrics]
Reasons Why[AZLyrics]
[New!] Reasons Why[CowboyLyrics]
[New!] Reasons Why[CowboyLyrics]
[New!] Reasons Why[CowboyLyrics]
Reasons Why[Lyrics.com]
Rebel Soldier[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rebel Soldier[BluegrassNet]
Rebel soldier[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Reckless Motorman[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Reckless Motorman[Bluegrass West!]
Reckless Motorman[OldieLyrics.com]
Reckless Motorman[Traditional Bluegrass Music - Carter Family Songs]
The Reckless Side Of Me[AZLyrics]
[New!] The Reckless Side Of Me[CowboyLyrics]
The Reckless Side Of Me[Lyrics.az]
The Reckless Side of Me[Lyrics.com]
The Reckless Side Of Me[ST Lyrics]
Red Bird Flies[Genius]
Red Clay Halo[BluegrassLyrics.com]
[New!] Red Clay Halo[Lyrics.com]
Red Clay Halo[Lyrics.com]
Red Daisy[AZLyrics]
[New!] Red Daisy[CowboyLyrics]
[New!] Red Daisy[CowboyLyrics]
Red Daisy[Lyrics.com]
Red Dirt Girl[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Red Fox Run[CowboyLyrics]
Red Headed Stranger[BluegrassNet]
Red Red Rose[Lyrics.com]
Red River Valley[BluegrassNet]
Red river valley[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Red River Valley Blues[BluegrassNet]
Red Rocking Chair[AZLyrics]
Red Rocking Chair[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Red Rocking Chair[BluegrassNet]
Red Rocking Chair[Classic Country Lyrics]
Red Rockin' Chair[Lyrics.com]
Red Rocking Chair[Lyrics.com]
Red rocking chair[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Red Rocking Chair[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Red Rose Of My Heart[BluegrassNet]
Red Rubber Ball[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Red Rubber Ball[BluegrassNet]
Red rubber ball[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Red Sails In The Sunset[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Red Staggerwing[Lyrics.com]
Red Tail Lights[Lyrics.az]
Red Velvet[BluegrassNet]
Red Velvet[Tom Gray's Bluegrass Songbook]
Red Wing[BluegrassNet]
Red wing[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
The Redeemed Are Coming Home[Joan Babcock's Lyrics to Some Great Old Songs]
Redemption Draweth Nigh[Joan Babcock's Lyrics to Some Great Old Songs]
Redneck Mother[BluegrassNet]
Redwood Hill[BluegrassNet]
Redwood Hill[Harajuku Jam Bluegrass Song Book]
Redwood hill[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rejects In The Attic[AZLyrics]
Rejects In The Attic[SongLyrics]
Remember I Feel Lonesome Too[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Remember Me[Barb Diederich's Bluegrass Lyrics Database]
Remember Me[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Remember Me[BluegrassNet]
Remember Me[Lyrics.com]
Remember me[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Remember Me[Tom Gray's Bluegrass Songbook]
Remember Me (When The Candle Lights Are Gleaming)[Lyrics.com]
Remember Me When They've Forgotten You[BluegrassNet]
Remember The Cross[AZLyrics]
Remember The Cross[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Remember The Cross[BluegrassNet]
Remember the Cross[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Remember the Cross[Lyrics.com]
Remember the cross[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Remember The Cross[OldieLyrics.com]
Remember the Cross[SongLyrics]
Remember the cross[ST Lyrics]
Remember Where You Came From[BandCamp]
Remembering[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Remembrance of You[Tom Gray's Bluegrass Songbook]
Remind Me, Dear Lord[AZLyrics]
[New!] Remind me, dear lord[ST Lyrics]
Rendezvous[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rescue From Moose River Gold Mine[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rest Of My Life[AZLyrics]
[New!] Rest of My Life[CowboyLyrics]
Rest of My Life[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Restless[ST Lyrics]
Restless Spirit Wandering[Lyrics.com]
The Return Of El Shaddai[Joan Babcock's Lyrics to Some Great Old Songs]
Return Of The Grievous Angel[BluegrassNet]
Return of the Grievous Angel[Lyrics.com]
Return To Sender[AZLyrics]
Reuben James[BluegrassNet]
Reuben James[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Reuben's Train[Lyrics.com]
Reuben's Train[SongLyrics]
Reuben's Train[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Reunion In Heaven[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Reunion In Heaven[BluegrassNet]
Reunion In Heaven[Classic Country Lyrics]
Reunion in Heaven[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Reunion In Heaven[OldieLyrics.com]
Reunion in heaven[ST Lyrics]
[New!] Revelator[Lyrics.com]
The Rhumba Boogie[Lyrics.com]
Rhythm Guitar[Lyrics.com]
Rhythm Of The Wheels[AZLyrics]
Ribbon in Your Hair[Lyrics.com]
The Ribbon in Your Hair[Lyrics.com]
The Ribbon In Your Hair[Tim O'Brien]
Rich Woman[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Rich woman[ST Lyrics]
Richmond Blues[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Riddle Song[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Ride Cowboy Ride[AZLyrics]
[New!] Ride Cowboy Ride[CowboyLyrics]
Ride Cowboy Ride[Lyrics.com]
Ride Me Down Easy[BluegrassNet]
Ride me down easy[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Riding Alone[Lyrics.com]
Riding High[Lyrics.com]
Riding On That Midnight Train[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Riding On That Midnight Train[Blackstock Bluegrass]
Riding On That Midnight Train[Classic Country Lyrics]
Riding on that midnight train[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Riding on that midnight train[ST Lyrics]
Riding On The Danville Pike[Blackstock Bluegrass]
Riding on the elevated railroad[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Ridin' That Midnight Train[AZLyrics]
Riding That Midnight Train[Harajuku Jam Bluegrass Song Book]
Riding That Midnight Train[Lyrics.com]
Ridin' That Midnight Train[Lyrics.com]
Riding That Midnight Train[OldieLyrics.com]
Ridin' The Danville Pike[Blue Highway Song Lyrics]
[New!] Riding The Danville Pike[CowboyLyrics]
Riding The Midnight Train[Lyrics.com]
Riding The Rails Of The Outward Bound[BluegrassNet]
Ridin' The Red Line[AZLyrics]
Right Back Where We Started[AZLyrics]
The Right Hand of Fellowship[Barb Diederich's Bluegrass Lyrics Database]
The Right Hand of Fellowship[SongLyrics]
Righteous prayer[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Riley And Spencer[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Ring of Fire[Lyrics.com]
Ring The Bell[Classic Country Lyrics]
Ring The Bell[SongLyrics]
Rise and Shine[SongLyrics]
Rise Sun[AZLyrics]
Rise Up, My Children, Come Home[Joan Babcock's Lyrics to Some Great Old Songs]
Rising Of The Moon[BluegrassNet]
Rising Sun Blues[CowboyLyrics]
Risin' Sun Blues[Lyrics.com]
Rising Sun Blues[Lyrics.com]
River[ST Lyrics]
A River for Him[Lyrics.com]
River In The Rain[AZLyrics]
River in the Rain[Lyrics.com]
River of Blood[Lyrics.com]
River Of Death[BluegrassLyrics.com]
River of Death[Lyrics.com]
River Of Death[OldieLyrics.com]
River of Death[SongLyrics]
River of death[ST Lyrics]
River Of Jordan[AZLyrics]
River Of Jordan[AZLyrics]
River Of Jordan[BluegrassLyrics.com]
River Of Jordan[BluegrassNet]
River of Jordan[Bluegrass West!]
River of Jordan[Classic Country Lyrics]
[New!] River Of Jordan[CowboyLyrics]
River of Jordan[Lyrics.com]
The River of Jordan[Lyrics.com]
River Of Jordan[OldieLyrics.com]
River Of Jordan[Traditional Bluegrass Music - Carter Family Songs]
River of Memory[Classic Country Lyrics]
River of memory[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
River of Sand[Lyrics.com]
River Of Time[Classic Country Lyrics]
River Of Time[Lyrics.com]
River Runs Red[AZLyrics]
[New!] River Runs Red[CowboyLyrics]
River's Rising[Lyrics.com]
The Road[BluegrassNet]
The Road[Lyrics.com]
The road[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
The Road Goes On Forever[BluegrassNet]
The Road Is A Lover[AZLyrics]
The Road Is a Lover[Lyrics.com]
[New!] The road is a lover[ST Lyrics]
The Road Is Rough[David Willis's Bluegrass Songbook]
Road Of Life[BluegrassNet]
Road of Life[Lyrics.az]
Road that's walked by fools[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Road To Drumleman[BluegrassNet]
The Road To The Isles[BluegrassNet]
Roads To Moscow[BluegrassNet]
Roan county prison song[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roane Country Prison[OldieLyrics.com]
Roane country prison[ST Lyrics]
Roane County Prison[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Roane County Prison[SongLyrics]
A Robin And A Rose[BluegrassNet]
A Robin Built A Nest On Daddy's Grave[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rock About My Saro Jane[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rock About My Saro Jane[BluegrassNet]
Rock about my Saro Jane[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rock And Roll[AZLyrics]
Rock 'n' Roll All Night[SongLyrics]
Rock & Roll All Night[SongLyrics]
Rock and Roll All Night[SongLyrics]
Rock Bottom[Barb Diederich's Bluegrass Lyrics Database]
Rock Hearts[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rock hearts[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rock in My Shoe[Lyrics.com]
Rock Island Line[BluegrassNet]
Rock of Ages[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Rock of Ages[Lyrics.com]
Rock Of Ages Hide Thou Me[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rock Of Ages Keep My Soul[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rock Salt And Nails[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rock Salt And Nails[BluegrassNet]
Rock Salt And Nails[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rock Salt and Nails[Lyrics.com]
Rock, Salt and Nails[Lyrics.com]
Rock salt and nails[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rock, Salt And Nails[OldieLyrics.com]
Rock salt and nails[ST Lyrics]
Rockin' alone[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rocking Alone[Tom Gray's Bluegrass Songbook]
Rocking on the waves[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rockin' The Boat[AZLyrics]
Rockin' the Boat[Lyrics.com]
Rocks in the mountains[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rocksalt And Nails[BluegrassNet]
Rocky Island[BluegrassLyrics.com]
[New!] Rocky Island[LyricFind.com]
Rocky Island[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Rocky Mountain Time[BluegrassNet]
Rocky Raccoon[BluegrassNet]
Rocky Road Blues[AZLyrics]
Rocky Road Blues[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rocky Road Blues[BluegrassNet]
Rocky Road Blues[David Willis's Bluegrass Songbook]
Rocky Road Blues[Lyrics.com]
Rocky road blues[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rocky Road Blues[OldieLyrics.com]
Rocky Road Blues[SongLyrics]
Rocky Road Blues[SongLyrics]
Rocky Road Blues[SongLyrics]
Rocky road blues[ST Lyrics]
Rocky Top[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rocky Top[BluegrassNet]
Rocky Top[Blackstock Bluegrass]
Rocky Top[David Willis's Bluegrass Songbook]
Rocky Top[Harajuku Jam Bluegrass Song Book]
Rocky Top[Lyrics.com]
Rocky Top[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rockytop[Radford University Lyrics to Traditional and Bluegrass Songs]
Rod McNeil[Lyrics.com]
Rod McNeil[Tim O'Brien]
Roddy Mccorley[BluegrassNet]
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner[BluegrassNet]
Roll Along Kentucky Moon[Lyrics.com]
Roll Big River[Lyrics.az]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[BluegrassNet]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[Blackstock Bluegrass]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[David Willis's Bluegrass Songbook]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[Harajuku Jam Bluegrass Song Book]
Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms[Lyrics.com]
[New!] Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms[Lyrics.com]
Roll in my sweet baby's arms[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[OldieLyrics.com]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[OldieLyrics.com]
Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms[SongLyrics]
Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms[SongLyrics]
Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms[ST Lyrics]
Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Roll In My Sweet Babys Arms[Lyrics.com]
Roll Jordan Roll[Lyrics.com]
Roll Muddy River[BluegrassNet]
Roll Muddy River[Lyrics.az]
Roll muddy river[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roll Muddy River[SongLyrics]
Roll On Buddy[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Roll On Buddy[BluegrassNet]
Roll on buddy[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roll on Buddy[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Roll on Buddy Roll On[Lyrics.com]
Roll on Buddy, Roll On[Lyrics.com]
Roll On Buddy, Roll On[OldieLyrics.com]
Roll On, Buddy, Roll On[SongLyrics]
Roll On Buddy, Roll On[ST Lyrics]
Roll on the ground[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
[New!] Roll Over Beethoven[Lyrics.com]
Roll the Stone Away[Lyrics.com]
Rollin' And Tumblin'[Lyrics.az]
Rollin' And Tumblin'[Lyrics.com]
Rolling Hills Of Middletown[Classic Country Lyrics]
Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms[AZLyrics]
Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms[BluegrassNet]
Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms[Lyrics.com]
Rollin' in my sweet baby's arms[ST Lyrics]
The Rolling Mills Of New Jersey[BluegrassNet]
Rollin' My Sweet Baby's Arms[Classic Country Lyrics]
Romance Is a Slow Dance[Lyrics.com]
Romeo And Juliet[Lyrics.com]
Room In Heaven For Me[AZLyrics]
Room In Heaven For Me[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Room in Heaven for Me[Bluegrass West!]
Room In Heaven For Me[OldieLyrics.com]
Room In Heaven For Me[Traditional Bluegrass Music - Carter Family Songs]
Room Over Mine[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Room Over Mine[Classic Country Lyrics]
Room over mine[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Room Without A Roof[AZLyrics]
Rord That's Walked By Fools[BluegrassNet]
Rosalee[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
The Rose[BluegrassNet]
A Rose Among the Thorns[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rose among the thorns[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
A Rose and a Baby Ruth[Lyrics.com]
Rose Conelly[OldieLyrics.com]
Rose Conelly[ST Lyrics]
Rose Garden Waltz[BluegrassNet]
Rose Of A Day[BluegrassNet]
Rose of Alabama[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rose of Cimarron[Lyrics.com]
Rose Of My Heart[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rose Of Old Kentucky[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rose On God's Shore[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rose On God's Shore[BluegrassNet]
Rose on God's shore[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roses And Sacrifice[AZLyrics]
Roses For A Sunday Morning[BluegrassNet]
Roses for a sunday morning[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roses In The Snow[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Roses in the Snow[Lyrics.com]
The Roseville Fair[BluegrassNet]
Rosewood Casket[BluegrassNet]
Rosewood Casket[Lyrics.com]
Rosewood casket[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rough and Rocky[Lyrics.com]
Rough Around the Edges[Lyrics.com]
Rough Edges[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Round And Round The Bottle[Classic Country Lyrics]
The Rounder[Blue Highway Song Lyrics]
[New!] The Rounder[CowboyLyrics]
The Rounder[Jarrod's Bluegrass Songbook]
Roust-a-bout[ST Lyrics]
Roustabout[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Rove Riley Rove[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Rove, Riley, Rove[BluegrassNet]
Roving Gambler[BluegrassLyrics.com]
Roving Gambler[BluegrassNet]
Rovin' Gambler[Lyrics.com]
Roving gambler[Motoya Kitagawa's Bluegrass Song Book]
Roving Gambler[The ToneWay Song Collection]
Roving Heilandman[BluegrassNet]
The Roving Repairman-O[BluegrassNet]
Row By Row[SongLyrics]